Friday, January 11, 2008

How to Improve My Sexual Health

Here are a few things that you can do to improve your penis health immediately:

Don't use tobacco products. Besides the obvious health risks of smoking and tobacco use, studies have shown that it plays a major role in erectile and impotence problems among men.

Drink alcohol in moderation. Not only can excessive alcohol use be hazardous to your health, but alcohol thins the blood in your body. This makes it more difficult to achieve erections and maintain proper penile health.

Don't take recreational drugs. Aside from the potential long-term damage drugs can cause to your physical and mental health, many drugs are illegal in most countries. We recommend you strive for a "natural high" of great sex, which can be achieved through the use of our penis enlargement exercises and techniques.

Stay active. Over time, a sedentary lifestyle can bring on a variety of health problems. Do yourself a favor and perform some type of cardiovascular exercise at least 5 times a week. This could be anything from a brisk 30 minute walk to a game of basketball with friends. Just remember, aerobic exercise improves the strength of your heart, keeps you slim and promotes the flow of oxygenated blood, all of which will significantly improve your results with penis enlargement.

Eat healthy. Stick to a low-fat, high-fiber diet. High levels of cholesterol can actually clog the blood vessels in your penis, which could lead to impotence. Furthermore, you should include a little zinc in your diet. Foods containing zinc include lean beef, turkey, cereal, lamb, crabmeat and oysters.

Reduce stress. Leading a happy, stress-free lifestyle will not only improve your mental health, but your physical health as well. Many well-known studies have demonstrated that the mind and body connection does exist.

See a doctor. Having a regular physical examination or visiting the doctor when you feel sick or notice a problem is a smart way to uncover health problems early. If you haven't had a checkup within the last year, we suggest that you get one. Your overall health directly impacts your penile health.

Have more erections. One of the best pieces of advice that we can give you (and one you probably won't have any problem with) is this: If you want to have better erections, have more erections! The tissue in your penis needs oxygen to survive. Where does it get that oxygen? From the red blood cells flowing in the blood. The more blood that circulates, the less chance of erectile dysfunction. Since blood flows to the penis at a much greater rate when you have an erection, the best way to keep the tissue in your penis properly oxygenated is by having frequent erections.