Friday, January 11, 2008

How To Flirt With Women

Keep flirting without getting slapped with our tips on how to flirt with women.
Step 1:
When you are about to begin flirting with a woman you should smell fresh and recently showered - not like a dead badger.
Step 2:
Body positions
When you are flirting with a woman don't stand too close and don't invade her personal space.
Step 3:
Eye contact
When you are flirting with a woman you must not look at her boobs. Equally, don't start looking around the room, or at your watch. Whilst flirting make sure you are looking into her eyes.
Step 4:
When you are flirting with a woman do not touch her anywhere intimate. Restrict touching to areas that can't be misread such as the arm.
Step 5:
Stick to subjects that are appropriate for flirting with a woman such as your love of samba or sensuous Italian food or her beautiful hair. Do not talk about inappropriate subjects such as your mum, your love of train sets or your ex-girlfriend.